Covid Data–part 1

In this days of Covid I needed 2 things:

  1. Put somewhere the list of free resources
  2. Gather the data about Covid from different countries, in order to understand the evolution of the disease

Because I am a programmer the easy way to have a database is on GitHub  – and I figure that with the docs folder I can have a static site .

You can find the free resources here :

And you can find the situation here:

How I constructed the site-  in the next posts.

BitBucket pipelines vs AzureDevOps pipelines

TL;DR; : Choose Azure – it can integrate also with BitBucket repository

For my  previous experience with AzureDevOps, please see ,

I  have had the opportunity to play with BitBucket CI this weekend. Nothing fance, just a CI + test + artifacts for a .NET solution.

Both have  yaml files for CI /CD

Both have support for Docker

However  there were some things in BitBucket that were unpleaseant

– for the artifacts in BitBucket, I cannot find how to name it differently (  ) .  For Azure DevOps, you can put a name :

– artifacts in BitBucket and a .tar and a .gs file . That means, for a regular Windows user, 2 operations to get the sources. For AzureDevops, it is zip.

– both have test concepts. However, AzureDevOps let you see the CodeCoverage and test details( see a run at ) – BitBucket  just list the number of tests passed.

– For a repository, BitBucket is giving 50 minutes per month free ( )  -that means something like 2 build per day . Azure Devops is giving 1800 minutes free

Post Mortem -part 7


This is a part of the series where about how I made the WebAPI2CLI - Execute ASP.NET Core WebAPI from Command Line
Source code on
1WebAPI2CLI - Description
2WebAPI2CLI- Organization
3WebAPI2CLI - implementing
4WebAPI2CLI - tests
5WebAPI2CLI - Devops and CI/CD
6WebAPI2CLI - documentation
7WebAPI2CLI - Conclusions
8WebAPI2CLI - Zip application

It was fun to create and to deal with various technical problems.

It was less fun to make the devops working – however , the previous experiences helped a lot. But even so, waiting to compile the project , making the docs … was not fun.

It was cumbersome writing the documentation – however, I know that , without documentation, the project is useless.

It was daunting writing those blog posts – remembering the phases of the project.

I hope that you enjoy using it!

Documentation–part 6


This is a part of the series where about how I made the WebAPI2CLI - Execute ASP.NET Core WebAPI from Command Line
Source code on
1WebAPI2CLI - Description
2WebAPI2CLI- Organization
3WebAPI2CLI - implementing
4WebAPI2CLI - tests
5WebAPI2CLI - Devops and CI/CD
6WebAPI2CLI - documentation
7WebAPI2CLI - Conclusions
8WebAPI2CLI - Zip application

I need 2 types of documentation:

1. For let people know how to use

2. For the programmers – to understand what the classes are doing


For the first point, documentation to use

a. Github has already the file that shows details for the repository . What I need is something more- i.e. detailed instruction, FAQ, Author.

b. Github has made easy to make an online site  -by having the docs folder public with his own address. For example, from I can have . Now , the problem is how to concatenate those and put back to site

c. GitHub has also the concept of Actions –i.e.  DevOps integrated.


So –what I have done is to use pandoc , compile all the .md files into html ( and pdf ) and push modifications back to the site.


– uses: actions/checkout@v2

– run: |

echo generate help file

mkdir output

git pull

– name: generate html

uses: docker://pandoc/latex:2.9

with: # needs a README in your repo root!

#args: “–standalone –output=output/README.html”

args: “ docs/ docs/ docs/ –standalone -f gfm -t html  –toc -o output/output.html –metadata title=WebAPI2CLI”

– name: generate pdf

uses: docker://pandoc/latex:2.9

with: # needs a README in your repo root!

#args: “–standalone –output=output/README.html”

args: “ docs/ docs/ docs/ –standalone -f gfm -t pdf  –toc -o output/output.pdf –metadata title=WebAPI2CLI”

– run: |

cp ./output/output.html ./docs/index.html

cp ./output/output.pdf ./docs/Web2CLI.pdf

rm -rf ./output


You can see the results at and the sources at

For the second point, generating documentation from XML Comments in C#

I need some free .NET tool to do this. I did not found. I have hesitated also between ( an old friend, but cumbersome ) and ( a new friend, but still cumbersome)

What I have done is to download docfx, add to the site, follow instructions , modify some of the templates , resist temptation to put everything into docfx ( he kinda want to be all inclusive)


# The type of runner that the job will run on

runs-on: windows-latest


# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it

– uses: actions/checkout@v2

– name: run documentation

run: |


rem git config –local “”

rem git config –local “GitHub Action”

rem git commit -m “generate documentation sources” -a –allow-empty

shell: cmd

– name: Push changes

uses: ad-m/github-push-action@master


github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

You can see the results at  and sources at

Devops + CI/CD-part 5


This is a part of the series where about how I made the WebAPI2CLI - Execute ASP.NET Core WebAPI from Command Line
Source code on
1WebAPI2CLI - Description
2WebAPI2CLI- Organization
3WebAPI2CLI - implementing
4WebAPI2CLI - tests
5WebAPI2CLI - Devops and CI/CD
6WebAPI2CLI - documentation
7WebAPI2CLI - Conclusions
8WebAPI2CLI - Zip application

What I need for the devops:

1. Building the solution

2. Running tests

3. Deploying packages to Nuget

Being part of the Microsoft stack, it is normal that I have choose for CI / CD the Azure Devops.

You can see the AzureDevops at and how it is done by reading

Seeing code coverage in AzureDevops

I need not only to know that tests have runned with success, but also to see the code coverage

For this I use the .NET local tools, coverlet and report generator

dotnet coverlet bin\$(buildConfiguration)\netcoreapp3.1\CLITests.dll –target “dotnet” –targetargs “test –no-build –configuration $(buildConfiguration)” –exclude ‘[*Test*]*’ –format opencover  –output $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\testResults\coverlet.xml

dotnet reportgenerator “-reports:$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\testResults\coverlet.xml” “-targetdir:$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\testResults” “-reporttypes:Cobertura;HtmlSummary;Badges;HtmlInline_AzurePipelines”

– task: PublishTestResults@2


testResultsFormat: ‘VSTest’

testResultsFiles: ‘**/*.trx’

searchFolder: ‘$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\trx’

displayName: publish tests

– task: PublishCodeCoverageResults@1

displayName: ‘Publish code coverage’


codeCoverageTool: Cobertura

summaryFileLocation: ‘$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\testResults\Cobertura.xml’

reportDirectory: ‘$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\testResults’

In this way , you can see the

Modify version 

For a good CD I need also a way to modify the version automatically.


The .Net local Tools provides a way to install some tools on the local system to be run within dotnet.

So I install pwsh  -and run a setversion.ps1


$TimeNow = Get-Date

$d = $TimeNow.ToUniversalTime()

$year = $TimeNow.Year

$startOfYear = Get-Date -Year $year -Month 1 -Day 1 -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0

$diff = NEW-TIMESPAN -Start $startOfYear -End $TimeNow

#$diff.TotalSeconds -as [int]


dotnet-property “**/*.csproj” AssemblyVersion:”$assemblyVersion”

dotnet dotnet-property “**/*.csproj” AssemblyVersion:”$assemblyVersion”

$version=$d.ToString(“1.0.yyyy.”) + ($diff.TotalSeconds -as [int]).ToString()

dotnet-property “**/*.csproj” Version:”$version”

dotnet dotnet-property “**/*.csproj” Version:”$version”

$releaseNotes = “BuildNumber $env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER”

$releaseNotes += “;author $env:BUILD_SOURCEVERSIONAUTHOR”

$releaseNotes += “;message $env:BUILD_SOURCEVERSIONMESSAGE”

$releaseNotes +=”;source for this release$env:BUILD_SOURCEVERSION”


dotnet-property “**/*.csproj” PackageReleaseNotes:”$releaseNotes”

dotnet dotnet-property “**/*.csproj” PackageReleaseNotes:”$releaseNotes”

I think that it is self explanatory.

Be a good nuget citizen –do not deploy every time a modification is made

For this I use devops variable :  deployNuget: ‘0’

– task: NuGetCommand@2

condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables[‘deployNuget’], ‘1’))


command: push

nuGetFeedType: external

packagesToPush: ‘$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/*.symbols.nupkg’

publishFeedCredentials: ‘nugetAndrei’

displayName: ‘dotnet nuget push’

Be a good AzureDevops citizen – do not run automation every time

I have some documentation on .md files – no need to rebuild everything when just the documentation is done

This is done in AzureDevOps by the trigger:




– master



– docs/*


Test your application

I also can test in AzureDevops what I have done by runnning

TestWebAPISite.exe  –CLI_ENABLED=1 –CLI_Commands=”GetMathId_Http,MathPOST”

It is just nice – maybe I can find a way to do something practical …

Create and running tests- part 4


This is a part of the series where about how I made the WebAPI2CLI - Execute ASP.NET Core WebAPI from Command Line
Source code on
1WebAPI2CLI - Description
2WebAPI2CLI- Organization
3WebAPI2CLI - implementing
4WebAPI2CLI - tests
5WebAPI2CLI - Devops and CI/CD
6WebAPI2CLI - documentation
7WebAPI2CLI - Conclusions
8WebAPI2CLI - Zip application

I have made a TestWebSite , in .NET Core 3.1, I was also thinking that WebApplicationFactory exists and tutorial like   it will be easy to test the site.

However, I have found the hard way that is not a real server : it does not have the adresses / ports open. Read .

So I have made a hack – see public class LocalServerFactory in the source code.

Also, WithWebHostBuilder helps create a new WebApplicationFactory  -used to test with / or without /  CLI_ENABLED command line


Second point was testing methods like

configuration.GetValue<int?>(“CLI_HELP”, null);

Because it is an extension function, I cannot mock. So I refactored the code to

public bool ShouldShowHelp()
//deleted for easy of automating testing
//var showHelp = configuration.GetValue<int?>(“CLI_HELP”, null);
var cliHelp = configuration[“CLI_HELP”];
var showHelp = int.TryParse(cliHelp, out var val) && val == 1;
return showHelp;

Also, I have resorted to XBehave, to have tests written in easy form. And to Moq to mock various properties.

Implementing–part 3


This is a part of the series where about how I made the WebAPI2CLI - Execute ASP.NET Core WebAPI from Command Line
Source code on
1WebAPI2CLI - Description
2WebAPI2CLI- Organization
3WebAPI2CLI - implementing
4WebAPI2CLI - tests
5WebAPI2CLI - Devops and CI/CD
6WebAPI2CLI - documentation
7WebAPI2CLI - Conclusions
8WebAPI2CLI - Zip application

First implementation was just a bunch a code thrown in an API project. All self contained, all in one WebAPI project.

Some problems that I have faced:


1. The class that executes( the hosted service )  should have access to the address of the server . However, the class is injected at the moment of creating services – and at this time the IServerAddressesFeature do not exists yet.

Solution: Inject at useCLi the IApplicationBuilder to get the services and verify if the adresses are ok:

// in private async void DoWork(object state)

serverAddresses = app.ServerFeatures.Get<IServerAddressesFeature>();

if (serverAddresses == null)


2. But how to get the instance of the Hosted service  ? Simple,with Singletons:

// in public static IServiceCollection AddCLI(this IServiceCollection serviceCollection)


serviceCollection.AddHostedService<CLIAPIHostedService>(p => p.GetService<CLIAPIHostedService>());


and later on

//in public static IApplicationBuilder UseCLI(this IApplicationBuilder app)

var service = app.ApplicationServices.GetService<CLIAPIHostedService>(); = app;


3.  How to serialize the headers, url, parameters, body and others in a file  – as to pass easy json ?

The idea is that I wrote Json( for sending body data)  in a json file it will become faster complicated. So I was thinking : What other serialized formats I know ?

So I was attracted by YAML . And there is an implementation . You can find a sample file at

4. What to do with errors ?

For example, if some HTTP returns an error message , what can I do  ? The obvious idea is to return on the console the error too…

So I implemented this class to emulate answer

public class ReturnValue_v1
public ReturnValue_v1(HttpStatusCode statusCode):this(statusCode,null)

public ReturnValue_v1(HttpStatusCode statusCode,string result)
StatusCode = statusCode;
Result = result;
public ICLICommand Command { get; private set; }

public HttpStatusCode StatusCode { get; private set; }
public string Result { get; private set; }

public ReturnValue_v1 FromCommand(ICLICommand cmd)
this.Command = cmd;
return this;


to can return to the console the JSON of this object.

5. How to exit the application ?

This is simple –  Environment.Exit(0);

However , maybe could be a feature to exit if we encounter an error in calling the API ? And if you want to help,

6. How to figure the WebAPI endpoints ?

Simple – with IApiDescriptionGroupCollectionProvider

7. How to help the user to not change the port of adresses every time the .NET Core server change the adress ?

There are so many ways to configure the address of ASP .NET Core  – see . The CLI.txt file should work the same , no matter the port . So I decided to put just the beginning of the http and then find the right address ( and handle also the case with full URL)

In this file put just –
Host: http://


Host: https://

( Assumption : just one http and/or just 1 https when core will start )

WebAPI2CLI will find the adress and the port comparing

Alternatively, you can put the full URI ( without RelativeRequestUrl ! )

Host: http://localhost:5000/

8. How to make easier for the developer to integrate ?

Create extension – AddCLI and UseCLI .

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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