[ADCES]Programmer2Head & DataPreparation with JupyterNotebooks

Prezentare 1:
Titlu: De la “just a programmer” la “head of his software company”
Descriere : Despre o calatorie care a inceput, nu intr-un garaj american, ci la Automatica, si care a continuat pe 3 continente
Prezentator: Radu Iovescu , https://www.linkedin.com/in/riovescu/
Prezentare 2:
Titlu: Data Preparation with Jupyter Notebook and DataFrame
Prezentator: Daniel Costea, MVP, https://mvp.microsoft.com/en-us/PublicProfile/5003534

Va astept miine, 9 februarie , la https://www.meetup.com/Bucharest-A-D-C-E-S-Meetup/events/275609419/


I was trying to apply AOPMethods to – surprise! –  AOPMethods project itself. And I have discovered a new reason: I do not want to make the methods public. I just want to put try/catch around them to know what is wrong.

The fast – and not so good – idea was to transform

MethodPrefix =”pub”

into a

Dictionary<MethodsPrefix: string,  VIsibilty: string>

in order to pass something like that

{ “pub”, “public” } , {“prv”, “private”}

The second idea was better : what if I allow multiple instances and generate accordingly  ?

So I came up with this definition

[AutoMethods(template = TemplateMethod.MethodWithPartial, MethodPrefix =”pub”)]
[AutoMethods(template = TemplateMethod.CustomTemplateFile,CustomTemplateFileName =”privateTryCatch.txt”,  MethodSuffix = “bup”)]
partial class Person

And the code  processes both attributes – and generates the code. One slightly problem: Cannot have GeneratedCode and CompilerGenerated on both generated files. But – it works!

AOPMethods–adding partial functions and enums

I was finishing the AOPMethods  – and what I have been thinking is – why not add partial functions ? I have added Console.Write, but … this seems more general… So , now , this is the Person class definition with the partial function definition

[AutoMethods(template = TemplateMethod.MethodWithPartial, MethodPrefix =”pub”, MethodSuffix =”bup”)]
partial class Person
     partial void Method_Start(string methodName)
         Console.WriteLine($”start {methodName}”);
     partial void Method_End(string methodName)
         Console.WriteLine($”end {methodName}”);

And, because I have finished the AOPMethods , I have been thinking about the problems with enums  – every time I parse the enum. What about a autogenerated function ? So now , with this definition:

[AutoEnum(template = EnumMethod.GenerateExtensionCode)]
     /// <summary>
     /// my test
     /// </summary>
     public enum Test:long
         //the b should be 1
         /// <summary>
         /// x should be 2
         /// </summary>


I can do this

long y = 7;
var s = y.ParseExactTest2();
var q=y.ToString().ParseExactTest2();
var s1 = s.ToString().ParseExactTest2();

For reference, the generated code with Roslyn AOPMethods is:

public static AOPMethodsTest.Test2 ParseExactTest2(this long value, AOPMethodsTest.Test2? defaultValue = null)
     if (0 == value)
         return AOPMethodsTest.Test2.a1;
     if (1 == value)
         return AOPMethodsTest.Test2.b1;
     if (5 == value)
         return AOPMethodsTest.Test2.x1;
     if (7 == value)
         return AOPMethodsTest.Test2.y1;

    if (defaultValue != null)
         return defaultValue.Value;

    throw new ArgumentException(“cannot find ” + value + ” for AOPMethodsTest.Test2  “);

public static AOPMethodsTest.Test2 ParseExactTest2(this string value, AOPMethodsTest.Test2? defaultValue = null)
     //trying to see if it is a value inside
     if (long.TryParse(value, out long valueParsed))
         return ParseExactTest2(valueParsed);

    if (0 == string.Compare(“a1”, value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
         return AOPMethodsTest.Test2.a1;
     if (0 == string.Compare(“b1”, value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
         return AOPMethodsTest.Test2.b1;
     if (0 == string.Compare(“x1”, value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
         return AOPMethodsTest.Test2.x1;
     if (0 == string.Compare(“y1”, value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
         return AOPMethodsTest.Test2.y1;

     if (defaultValue != null)
         return defaultValue.Value;

    throw new ArgumentException(“cannot find ” + value + ” for AOPMethodsTest.Test2  “);

AOP Methods–Problems in running and solving

The problems that I have encountered were:

1.  The ThisAssembly  RoslynGenerator that I use should not be put as reference in the nuget. I have fixed this by adding

<PackageReference Include=”ThisAssembly.AssemblyInfo” Version=”1.0.0″ ReferenceOutputAssembly=”false” />

2. I have problems generating code to async code with Task . The problem was that I have added logging ( very basic – Console.WriteLine) and the order of the logging was errating. I figured out that I should must use the async /await and then my template was modified as

strAwait = “”
strAsync =””
if mi.IsAsync == true
     strAwait = ” await “
     strAsync  = ” async “

public {{strAsync}} {{mi.ReturnType}} {{mi.NewName}} ({{mi.parametersDefinitionCSharp }} {{separator}} 

//more code

     if mi.ReturnsVoid == false
{{  strAwait }}

{{mi.Name}}({{ mi.parametersCallCSharp }});

And this is worth noting.

AOP Methods–Code

The code is not so much different from SkinnyControllers : Implement ISourceGenerator , putting the Generator attribute on the class

    public partial class AutoActionsGenerator : ISourceGenerator

inspecting the classes if they have the common attribute , generating code with Scriban

The problem was : How can the AOPMethods can

  1. differentiate between the private function that must be made public
  2. generate the code for a similar public function, with same parameters (and maybe more) , but with different name ?

So I decide to go the route of convention: The programmer will declare the private function that he wants to autmatically make public ( and add templating code ) with a prefix or a suffix . This will be declared into the attribute of the class – and that will be all.

For example , I have this method

public  string FullName()
     return FirstName + ” ” + LastName;

That I want to monitor ( add logs, info and so on ) . I will make it private and start with pub

private string pubFullName()
     return FirstName + ” ” + LastName;

Then , on the class , I will declare the pub prefix

[AutoMethods(template = TemplateMethod.CallerAtttributes, MethodPrefix =”pub”, MethodSuffix =”bup”)]

And the following will be generated

public string FullName(
[CallerMemberName] string memberName = “”,
[CallerFilePath] string sourceFilePath = “”,
[CallerLineNumber] int sourceLineNumber = 0)
         Console.WriteLine(“–pubFullName start “);
         Console.WriteLine(“called class :” + memberName);
         Console.WriteLine(“called file :” + sourceFilePath);
         Console.WriteLine(“called line :” + sourceLineNumber);


     catch (Exception ex)
         Console.WriteLine(“error in pubFullName:” + ex.Message);
         Console.WriteLine(“——–pubFullName end”);


The caller attributes templates can be found at  AOP_With_Roslyn\AOPMethods\AOPMethods\templates\CallerAtttributes.txt

// <auto-generated>
//     This code was generated by a tool.
//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
//     the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

namespace {{NamespaceName}} {

    /// <summary>
     /// Generates code from  {{ClassName}}
     /// </summary>
   [GeneratedCode(“AOPMethods”, “{{version}}”)]
   partial class {{ClassName}}{
     public int id(){
     return 1;
     {{~ for mi in Methods ~}}
             separator = “”
             if(mi.NrParameters > 0)
                 separator = “,”
             strAwait = “”
             strAsync =””
             if mi.IsAsync == true
                 strAwait = ” await “
                 strAsync  = ” async “
         public {{strAsync}} {{mi.ReturnType}} {{mi.NewName}} ({{mi.parametersDefinitionCSharp }} {{separator}} 
         [CallerMemberName] string memberName = “”,
         [CallerFilePath] string sourceFilePath = “”,
         [CallerLineNumber] int sourceLineNumber = 0){
                 Console.WriteLine(“–{{mi.Name}} start “);
                 Console.WriteLine(“called class :”+memberName );
                 Console.WriteLine(“called file :”+sourceFilePath );
                 Console.WriteLine(“called line :”+sourceLineNumber );
                 if mi.ReturnsVoid == false
             {{  strAwait }}

            {{mi.Name}}({{ mi.parametersCallCSharp }});
             catch(Exception ex){
                 Console.WriteLine(“error in {{mi.Name}}:” + ex.Message);
                 Console.WriteLine(“——–{{mi.Name}} end”);


     {{~ end ~}}   

You can add logging , security, anything else that is a vertical to the business

AOP Methods–Introduction

As I have done with Roslyn for SkinnyControllers , I said – what about generating public methods at compile time ?

For example, what if this method

private string pubFullName()

return FirstName + ” ” + LastName;



is transformed into this

public string FullName(
[CallerMemberName] string memberName = “”,
[CallerFilePath] string sourceFilePath = “”,
[CallerLineNumber] int sourceLineNumber = 0)
Console.WriteLine(“–pubFullName start ” + _cc);
Console.WriteLine(“called class :” + memberName);
Console.WriteLine(“called file :” + sourceFilePath);
Console.WriteLine(“called line :” + sourceLineNumber);

return pubFullName();
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine(“error in pubFullName:” + ex.Message);
Console.WriteLine(“——–pubFullName end”);


automatically, based on a template ? And all methods will have this ?

Enter AOP Methods : https://www.nuget.org/packages/AOPMethodsGenerator/  and https://www.nuget.org/packages/AOPMethodsCommon/

The first one is the generator. The second one is containing the attribute that tells to transform.

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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