RSCG Example–AppSettings editor–part 25



name AppSettingsEditor

author Andrei Ignat

This will generate classes code from appsettings . Additionally , it generates API controller for editing and an UI interface

The code that you start with is


      "Logging": {

        "LogLevel": {

          "Default": "Information",

          "Microsoft": "Warning",

          "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"



      "AllowedHosts": "*"


The code that you will use is



The code that is generated is


    // <auto-generated>

    //     This code was generated by a tool.

    //     Runtime Version:


    //     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if

    //     the code is regenerated.

    // </auto-generated>


    using System;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using System.Runtime.Serialization;

    using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;

    using appSettingsEditor;

    namespace SettingsEditor.SettingsJson




        [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("appSettingsEditorAPI", "2021.3.21.2300")]

        public partial class LogLevel: IAppSettingsConfig<LogLevel> 


            public object GetFromPropertyName(string propName, bool returnNull =false){






                    case "DEFAULT":

                        return this.Default ;


                    case "MICROSOFT":

                        return this.Microsoft ;


                    case "MICROSOFTHOSTINGLIFETIME":

                        return this.MicrosoftHostingLifetime ;




                            return null;


                        throw new ArgumentException("cannot found from LogLevel prop "+propName);            







            public IEnumerable<string> Properties(){


                    yield return "Default" ;


                    yield return "Microsoft" ;


                    yield return "MicrosoftHostingLifetime" ;


                yield break;




            public string Default { get; set; }



            public string Microsoft { get; set; }



            public string MicrosoftHostingLifetime { get; set; }


            public  LogLevel LoadFromConfig(IConfiguration config)




                    return this;






        [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("appSettingsEditorAPI", "2021.3.21.2300")]

        public partial class Logging: IAppSettingsConfig<Logging> 


            public object GetFromPropertyName(string propName, bool returnNull =false){






                    case "LOGLEVEL":

                        return this.LogLevel ;




                            return null;


                        throw new ArgumentException("cannot found from Logging prop "+propName);            







            public IEnumerable<string> Properties(){


                    yield return "LogLevel" ;


                yield break;




            public LogLevel LogLevel { get; set; }


            public  Logging LoadFromConfig(IConfiguration config)




                    return this;






        [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("appSettingsEditorAPI", "2021.3.21.2300")]

        public partial class appsettings: IAppSettingsConfig<appsettings> 


            public object GetFromPropertyName(string propName, bool returnNull =false){






                    case "LOGGING":

                        return this.Logging ;


                    case "ALLOWEDHOSTS":

                        return this.AllowedHosts ;




                            return null;


                        throw new ArgumentException("cannot found from appsettings prop "+propName);            







            public IEnumerable<string> Properties(){


                    yield return "Logging" ;


                    yield return "AllowedHosts" ;


                yield break;




            public Logging Logging { get; set; }



            public string AllowedHosts { get; set; }


            public  appsettings LoadFromConfig(IConfiguration config)



                    return config.Get<appsettings>();






Example Code:

Friday Links 441

  • Retiring old service versions
  • 10 Customer Persona Tools & Templates – Content Harmony
  • (3) Arialdo Martini’s answer to Does the Pomodoro Technique work? What parts of it are the most helpful / least helpful? – Quora
  • The Current State of OpenTelemetry in .NET | Petabridge
  • LisaDziuba/Marketing-for-Engineers: A curated collection of marketing articles & tools to grow your product.
  • Project Manager – Visual Studio Marketplace
  • Degeneracy, Code and Innovation | | Aaron Longwell of Longwell Consulting, LLC
  • 6 Tips on working from home – Yonder
  • microsoft/FeatureManagement-Dotnet: Microsoft.FeatureManagement provides standardized APIs for enabling feature flags within applications. Utilize this library to secure a consistent experience when developing applications that use patterns such as beta a
  • Using PredicateBuilder with EF Core for Complex Queries | Mitchel Sellers
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  • microsoft/msquic: Cross platform C implementation of the IETF QUIC protocol.
  • SQL: Why I prefer sequences to IDENTITY columns – The Bit Bucket
  • Generate C# Client API for ASP.NET Web API – CodeProject
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  • utility | RxJS Primitives
  • Conditionally Apply LINQ Clauses | Khalid Abuhakmeh
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  • Simple holidays
  • usablica/intro.js: A better way for new feature introduction and step-by-step users guide for your website and project.
  • RSCG Example–Static To Interface–part 24



    name Static To Interface

    author Andrei Ignat

    This will generate code for any static properties of a class to generate interface, record and a class with real behaviour

    The code that you start with is

        public partial class Helpers
        public partial ISystem_DateTime FromStaticDate();

    The code that you will use is

        var dateStatic1 = (new Helpers().FromStaticDate());//static        
        var dateStatic2 = recISystem_DateTime.MakeNew();//static
        var dateVar3 = new clsISystem_DateTime(); //variable = real 
        await Task.Delay(10 * 1000);


    The code that is generated is

        namespace RSCG_Static_Console { 
        public interface ISystem_DateTime {
        System.DateTime Now  {get;}
        System.DateTime UtcNow  {get;}
        System.DateTime Today  {get;}
        }// interface
        //now the partial class
        public record recISystem_DateTime (System.DateTime Now,System.DateTime UtcNow,System.DateTime Today) : ISystem_DateTime
        public static recISystem_DateTime MakeNew() {
        return new recISystem_DateTime(System.DateTime.Now,System.DateTime.UtcNow,System.DateTime.Today);
        } //end makenew
        } //end record
        public class clsISystem_DateTime : ISystem_DateTime 
        public  System.DateTime Now  {get { return System.DateTime.Now; } }
        public  System.DateTime UtcNow  {get { return System.DateTime.UtcNow; } }
        public  System.DateTime Today  {get { return System.DateTime.Today; } }
        } //end record
        partial class Program {
        public partial ISystem_DateTime FromStaticDate() {
        return recISystem_DateTime.MakeNew();
        } // method
        } // class
        } // namespace

    Example Code:

    RSCG Example – Tiny Types – Part 23



    name BaseTypes

    author Andreas Dorfer

    Generated tiny types from any value type

    The code that you start with is

        [Int] public partial record DepartmentId;
        public Employee GetFromId(int idDepartment, int idEmployee)
            return new Employee()
                ID = idEmployee,
                DepartmentId = idDepartment,
                Name = "Andrei " + idEmployee
        public Employee GetFromId(DepartmentId departmentId,  EmployeeId employeeId)
            return GetFromId(departmentId, employeeId);

    The code that you will use is

        e.GetFromId(10, 34);
        e.GetFromId(new DepartmentId(34), new EmployeeId(10));


    The code that is generated is

        [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter(typeof(AD.BaseTypes.Converters.BaseTypeTypeConverter<DepartmentId, int>))]
        [System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter(typeof(AD.BaseTypes.Json.BaseTypeJsonConverter<DepartmentId, int>))]
        sealed partial record DepartmentId : System.IComparable<DepartmentId>, System.IComparable, AD.BaseTypes.IBaseType<int>
            public DepartmentId(int value)
                this.Value = value;
            public int Value { get; }
            public override string ToString() => Value.ToString();
            public int CompareTo(object? obj) => CompareTo(obj as DepartmentId);
            public int CompareTo(DepartmentId? other) => other is null ? 1 : System.Collections.Generic.Comparer<int>.Default.Compare(Value, other.Value);
            public static implicit operator int(DepartmentId item) => item.Value;
            public static DepartmentId Create(int value) => new(value);

    Example Code:

    All RSCG

    NrBlog Post
    1RSCG–part 1
    2RSCG- AppVersion–part 2
    4RSGC-JSON to Class- part 4
    5RSGC-Constructor – Deconstructor – part 5
    6RSGC – DTO Mapper – part 6
    7RSGC – Skinny Controllers- part 7
    8RSGC-Builder Design Pattern – part 8
    9RSGC- MetadataFromObject – part 9
    10RSGC- Dynamic Mock – part 10
    11RSCG- Method Decorator – part 11
    12RSCG – Curry – Partial function – part 12
    13RSCG- part 13 – IFormattable
    14RSCG- part 14 – DP_Decorator
    15RSCG- part 15 – Expression Generator
    16RSCG- part 16 – Many Others
    17RSCG- the book
    18RSCG–Template Rendering- part 17
    19CI Version
    21Query from database
    Roslyn Source Code Generators

    RSCG Example–SourceInject- part 22


    name SourceInject

    author Giovanni Bassi

    Auto register services in startup   The code that you start with is

        using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
        using System;
        using System.Threading.Tasks;
        namespace AutoRegisterBL
            public class Repo
                public async Task<person> GetFromId(int id)
                    await Task.Delay(1000);
                    return new Person()
                        ID = id,
                        Name = " Andrei Ignat " + id

    The code that you will use is

        //in startup.cs

       The code that is generated is

        // <auto-generated>
        using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
        public static class GeneratedServicesExtension
            public static void DiscoverInAutoRegisterBL(this IServiceCollection services) =&gt; services.Discover();
            internal static void Discover(this IServiceCollection services)
        public static class AutoRegisterBLDiscoverer
            public static void Discover(IServiceCollection services) =&gt; services.Discover();

    Example Code:

    All RSCG

    NrBlog Post
    1RSCG–part 1
    2RSCG- AppVersion–part 2
    4RSGC-JSON to Class- part 4
    5RSGC-Constructor – Deconstructor – part 5
    6RSGC – DTO Mapper – part 6
    7RSGC – Skinny Controllers- part 7
    8RSGC-Builder Design Pattern – part 8
    9RSGC- MetadataFromObject – part 9
    10RSGC- Dynamic Mock – part 10
    11RSCG- Method Decorator – part 11
    12RSCG – Curry – Partial function – part 12
    13RSCG- part 13 – IFormattable
    14RSCG- part 14 – DP_Decorator
    15RSCG- part 15 – Expression Generator
    16RSCG- part 16 – Many Others
    17RSCG- the book
    18RSCG–Template Rendering- part 17
    19CI Version
    21Query from database
    Roslyn Source Code Generators

    Friday Links 437

  • Software architecture diagrams – which tool should we use? – DEV
  • LisaDziuba/Marketing-for-Engineers: A curated collection of marketing articles & tools to grow your product.
  • microsoft/MS-Lumos: Tools to compare metrics between datasets, accounting for population differences and invariant features.
  • Advanced Linux Commands Cheat Sheet | Red Hat Developer
  • Foam | A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode
  • Development With A Dot – Introducing SharedFlat
  • How Stack Overflow hires engineers – Stack Overflow Blog
  • 30% didn t kill the App Store model. SaaS did. | Capiche
  • If you wanna make your own open-source chip, just Google it. Literally. Web giant says it’ll fab them for free ” The Register
  • ASP.NET Core Web API + DynamoDB Locally – CodeProject
  • treosh/web-vitals-reporter: A tiny (800 B) utility to simplify web vitals reporting.
  • nathan-osman/chronosnap: Android app for capturing timed photo sequences.
  • What Do You Do Better Than the Cloud? – Brent Ozar Unlimited�
  • What does idempotent mean? ” Particular Software
  • You Can Download the Entirety of English Wikipedia to Browse Offline
  • LiveSharp Integrated hot-reload solution for C# projects
  • Extreme programming meets systematic testing using Coyote – Open Source Blog
  • .Net Core Developer Roadmap. A developer roadmap for all the tools && | by Adem Zeina | Developers Cafe | Medium
  • It’s probably time to stop recommending Clean Code @ Things Of Interest
  • Animate.css
  • RSCG example–Query Generator–part 21


    name DatabaseToWebAPI

    author Andrei Ignat

    This will generate code (WebAPI/Swagger) for any table/view from SqlServer. You can see the table via Angular   The code that you start with is

        //add queries.json with all the connection string and tables necessary
        //add in templates folder the files to generate controllers
        using RoslynQueryGenerator;
        using System.Collections.Generic;
        //TODO : modify namespace
        namespace WebFromQuery.Classes
            public class FieldDescription
                public string ItemName { get; set; }
                public string QueryName { get; set; }
                public string FieldName { get; set; }
                public string FieldType { get; set; }
                public SearchField DefaultValue { get; set; }
            public class DisplayData
                public string QueryName { get; set; }
                public string ItemName { get; set; }
                public FieldDescription[] FieldNames { get; set; }
                public Dictionary<string  , object="">[] Values { get; set; }

    The code that you will use is

        //In Startup

       The code that is generated is

        //ApplicationDbContext : too much lines - see project
        //Controllers : too much lines - see project

    Example Code:

    All RSCG

    NrBlog Post
    1RSCG–part 1
    2RSCG- AppVersion–part 2
    4RSGC-JSON to Class- part 4
    5RSGC-Constructor – Deconstructor – part 5
    6RSGC – DTO Mapper – part 6
    7RSGC – Skinny Controllers- part 7
    8RSGC-Builder Design Pattern – part 8
    9RSGC- MetadataFromObject – part 9
    10RSGC- Dynamic Mock – part 10
    11RSCG- Method Decorator – part 11
    12RSCG – Curry – Partial function – part 12
    13RSCG- part 13 – IFormattable
    14RSCG- part 14 – DP_Decorator
    15RSCG- part 15 – Expression Generator
    16RSCG- part 16 – Many Others
    17RSCG- the book
    18RSCG–Template Rendering- part 17
    19CI Version
    21Query from database
    Roslyn Source Code Generators

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  • Adding an endpoint graph to your ASP.NET Core application: Visualizing ASP.NET Core 3.0 endpoints using GraphvizOnline – Part 2
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  • PostSharp Blog | Thinking beyond Roslyn source generators and aspect-oriented programming
  • Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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