Powershell vs console application

I have decided to make the utilities that I use in form of Powershell applications instead of Windows / Console applications


There are simpler to use  – just run the powershell

The parsing of command line is powerfull in powershell

There are simpler to maintain ( just text scripts files)

There are no big dependencies( .NET Core/ .NET 4.x  to be installed)

This is a good tool under  my toolbelt

Everything you do in .NET you can do in Powershell ( sometimes it is much harder in .NET rather then powershell)


The repository is https://github.com/ignatandrei/PowershellUtils and the first item is to move the big files from C: into another drive to free space by making a junction dir ( e.g. C:\ProgramData\Package Cache and C:\Windows\Installer )