Tenancy Agreement In Sierra Leone
For the duration of the lease/lease, although they agree that it was 6 and a half years from 1 April 1996, they do not have a common basis, at the end they calculate the duration from the agreed facts, 6 and a half years would end on 30 September 2002. This corresponds more to the defendant`s evidence than to the applicant, who claims that the lease ended in June 2003. Overall, it is not certain whether the parties were a fixed-term lease or an annual lease. It would appear that the parties have undertaken to resolve complex legal issues themselves and have had recourse to legal representation only when conflicts arise with respect to the lease and its terms. There wasn`t much the lawyers themselves could do to correct the wrongs that were already so blatant. In different parts of the evidence, both of the applicant and the defendant, reference is made to whole months or to a whole year, when certain data are required per month. . . .