Eu Framework Partnership Agreements

The Partnership Framework Agreement sets out the principles of the partnership between ECHO and humanitarian organizations. It defines the respective roles, rights and obligations of partners and defines legislation on humanitarian actions funded by DG ECHO. To become a humanitarian partner of the European Commission, organisations must apply for a Framework Partnership Agreement (VPA). Partners are selected according to specific criteria and legal and financial requirements as well as quality standards. This helps to ensure that partnerships are valuable to both the European Commission and the candidate organisation. The European Commission`s Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DG ECHO) does not intervene directly on the ground. The implementation of humanitarian aid is carried out by humanitarian organizations such as humanitarian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with which DG ECHO is in partnership. Once the partnership agreement is signed, partners will be able to submit project proposals each year in response to the Humanitarian Implementation Plans (IRPs) published by DG ECHO. Information on how to become a humanitarian partner of the Commission. The candidate NGO is a partner of DG ECHO for the duration of the framework partnership agreement. In the case of framework partnership agreements signed after 1 January 2014, the relevant agreements come into force on the date the Commission receives an original signed by the humanitarian organisation.

It remains valid until December 31, 2018, unless the parties decide otherwise. Applications for the signing of the VPA must be submitted online via the APPEL electronic exchange system. Instructions on how to become a European Commission humanitarian partner can be found on echo`s partner website.