Microsoft Embedded Oem Customer License Agreement

Microsoft Embedded OEM Customer License Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you are an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) who creates embedded systems using Microsoft software, it is important to understand the Microsoft Embedded OEM Customer License Agreement. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which you can use the software in your products and sell them to your customers.

Here are some key points to consider:

1. Permitted Uses: The license agreement allows you to install and use Microsoft software on your embedded systems that you sell to your customers. You may also incorporate portions of the software into your own software applications.

2. Restrictions: There are restrictions on how you can use the software. For example, you are not allowed to copy, distribute or modify the software, or use it for any purpose other than creating embedded systems. You are also not allowed to reverse engineer or decompile the software, or use it to create any derivative works.

3. Product Activation: You must activate each copy of the software that you install on your embedded systems. This involves obtaining a unique product key from Microsoft and entering it into the system. Failure to activate the software may result in limited functionality or the inability to use the software at all.

4. Support and Updates: Microsoft provides support and updates for the software during the license period. However, you are responsible for providing support and updates to your customers who use your embedded systems.

5. Termination: The license agreement may be terminated by either party if the other party breaches any of the terms and conditions. Upon termination, you must immediately cease all use of the software and destroy all copies of it.

In conclusion, the Microsoft Embedded OEM Customer License Agreement is an important document that OEMs must understand when creating embedded systems using Microsoft software. By complying with the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement, you can avoid legal issues and ensure that your products are legally sold and supported. As a responsible OEM, it is your duty to protect your customers and their data by adhering to these license agreements.