Limited Partnership Agreement Deutsch

As more and more businesses are expanding their operations internationally, there is a growing need for limited partnership agreements that cater to different legal systems and local regulations. In Germany, for instance, a limited partnership agreement, also known as a “Kommanditgesellschaft” in German, is a popular legal form for business entities. This article will provide an overview of the key elements of a limited partnership agreement in Germany and what businesses should consider when drafting one.

What is a Limited Partnership Agreement?

A limited partnership agreement is a legal document that establishes a business partnership between two or more parties. In Germany, a limited partnership agreement is comprised of two types of partners: the general partner (also known as the managing partner) and the limited partner. The general partner has unlimited liability for the debts and obligations of the partnership, while the limited partner`s liability is limited to their investment in the partnership.

Key Elements of a Limited Partnership Agreement in Germany

1. Name and Purpose of the Partnership

The first element of a limited partnership agreement in Germany is the name of the partnership and its purpose. The name of the partnership should be unique and distinguishable from other partnerships in the market. The purpose of the partnership should be clearly defined and aligned with the objectives of the partners.

2. Contributions of Each Partner

Each partner`s contribution to the partnership should be included in the limited partnership agreement. The contribution can be in the form of cash, property, or services rendered to the partnership.

3. Distribution of Profits and Losses

The distribution of profits and losses should be clearly outlined in the limited partnership agreement. This section should specify the percentage of profits and losses allocated to each partner.

4. Management and Control of the Partnership

The management and control of the partnership is one of the most critical elements of a limited partnership agreement. The general partner is responsible for managing and controlling the partnership, while the limited partner has no say in the decision-making process.

5. Termination and Liquidation of the Partnership

The limited partnership agreement should also include provisions for the termination and liquidation of the partnership. This section should specify the conditions under which the partnership can be terminated and the method of liquidation.


A limited partnership agreement in Germany is an essential legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a partnership between two or more parties. It is crucial for businesses to draft a comprehensive and well-crafted limited partnership agreement that conforms to local regulations and legal requirements. By considering the key elements outlined in this article, businesses can ensure that their limited partnership agreement is effective, legally binding and meets their objectives.