Online Agreement Aws

45.6. AWS may develop content consisting of either (a) documents and diagrams (“Documents”) or (b) software (in the form of source or object code), code, or script (“Software”) for you as part of AWS Professional Services (such documents and software, “Developed Content”). Subject to an effective confidentiality agreement between you and AWS, AWS is not prevented from developing, using, or selling products or services that are similar to or related to the content developed. All developed content made available to you by AWS as part of AWS Professional Services under a SOW is licensed under the following terms: To terminate an agreement, IAM and affiliated users must have the following permissions: You ensure and warrant that your contributions, submissions, and case studies do not violate the rights of third parties. and you have all rights and powers to grant us the foregoing rights, without further authorization from third parties or financial liability to third parties. 3.5 Confidential Information. You agree that all non-public information disclosed by AWS regarding the Program will be treated as confidential information in accordance with the terms of the customer agreement or other agreement between you and AWS governing the use of confidential information. You will treat as confidential information about third parties, including information about an identified or identifiable individual (“Third Party Data” that AWS provides to you, and you will only use such third-party data to market your goods and services in connection with AWS and its services with our express permission. 3.6 Third Party Data. For any third-party data you provide to AWS, you represent and warrant that you have obtained all necessary consents to (a) share third-party data with AWS and its affiliates and (b) AWS and its associated companies use the third-party data to contact its subjects to market our goods and services and the program. 1.7. If your agreement does not contain a provision for AWS Confidential Information and you and AWS do not have an effective confidentiality agreement, you agree not to disclose confidential AWS information (as defined in the AWS Customer Agreement), except as required by law.

1.3 Program Management. We may from time to time use the contact information you have provided to send you information about AWS, the program, or other information that we think is of interest to you. You authorize us to collect, store, use, disclose, and process all information you provide to us as part of the Program, including all information from your use of the Website or third-party websites and software, in accordance with the AWS Privacy Policy, which is currently referenced to, because it may be updated from time to time by us….