Service Agreement Singapore
The customer assures and guarantees intralinks that the disclosure of end-user files to intralinks and end-users by or on customer instruction is not contrary to the law, regulation or rights of third parties on essential points. Any party that executes the agreement assures the other party that it is authorized and has all the rights necessary to conclude and penetrate the agreement and that no law, regulation, court order or third party agreement prohibits the implementation of the agreement. They are also required to pay all taxes, royalties and other taxes collected by a government authority (“taxes”), including VAT, goods and services tax, provincial turnover tax and/or harmonized revenue tax on services provided under this agreement. If you are exempt, you will provide us with a certificate or other proof of the tax exemption that we are satisfied with. d) Force majeure. Any delay or non-performance of any of the parties in this agreement is not considered an offence and is bound to excuse: that is due to an event that is not properly controlled by that party, including, but not limited to, acts of God, actions of civil or military authorities, strikes or other labour disputes, fires, interruptions in telecommunications or services of Internet or network service providers, power outages and state restrictions and, in the event of intra-léant or non-performance, problems due to the customer`s equipment (a “force majeure event”). If a force majeure event prevails for an uninterrupted period of more than thirty (30) days, the party not involved in the force majeure event may terminate the contract by properly disclosing the contract to the other party fourteen (14) days and, at the end of that notice, that contract expires. Such termination does not affect the rights of the parties with respect to a violation of this agreement that occurs prior to that termination. Stripe is not a bank and we do not accept deposits, grant credits or extend credits. If you accept payments for products or services (including events such as concerts or other shows) that are not immediately delivered to the Customer (a “pre-order”), we may, at our sole discretion, cancel or respect reservations for all or part of the fees we process for a pre-order. If you would like to receive a pre-order payment, please contact us before you do so. (a) The customer agrees to pay intralink fees and other costs in accordance with each order.
Intralink links may charge the customer a separate fee for services that are not listed in the work orders (including, but not limited to, additional exchanges, new service functions, consulting, programming and integration services), provided the client has previously writtenly approved these additional services and related costs. All fees and royalties must be paid in the currency used in the employment contract concerned. Unless expressly stated otherwise, not all payment obligations are cancellable and the fees paid are not refundable.