This is the part 4 of 5 of my implementing of a MVC Browser history
MVC browser history – idea
Browser history –2 – implementing, small bugs
Browser history 3–trying to Nuget – modifications in order to can be transformed from an application to a component
Browser history 4–NuGet again – finally Nuget deployment
Browser history–part 5–conclusions – conclusions
Prior to Nuget, I think that will be better if the user of my app could play with sql server or memory implementation. So the new GUI is here:

But how could I show to the user where it is saved? Easy – to the history page

And now I can make the NuGet Package .
In order to can download a controller and not overwrite the Home controller, I must create a controller of its own – so make a modification : History Controller
Now adding dependencies, fighting with NuGet Explorer,
In the first test StructureMap dll reference missing and the Views folder was in the wrong place.
In the second test , I discovered that I was missing adding the following essential lines
filters.Add(new BrowserHistory.Models.BrowserUserHistoryFilter());
ObjectFactory.Configure(ce => ce.For<IBrowserUserHistoryRepository>().Use<BrowserUserHistoryRepositoryMemory>());
So I began reading how to add to global.asax at nuget package installing time – and coming with this:
Adding code,testing - another 15 minutes.
Adding readme.txt – in order to explain what have I done and how to use it – another 30 minutes.
Now it is ready to be used by you.
If you want to test it, you can see in action at
Detailed history of creating project at
Source code at
Next time will do a summary of what I have done in order to build this simple utility project.