Pattern: AbstractFactory
Abstract Factory is a creational design pattern that lets you produce families of related objects without specifying their concrete classes.
Example in .NET :
using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data.Common; namespace AbstractFactory; internal class AbstractFactoryDemo { public static void Demo() { //create DbConnection factory by using the instance of SqlConnection DbConnection connection = new SqlConnection(); //create DbCommand instance by using the instance of SqlConnection DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); //really, the DBCommand is a SqlCommand SqlCommand? sqlCommand = command as SqlCommand; //check if the DbCommand is a SqlCommand Console.WriteLine($"DbCommand is SqlCommand: {sqlCommand != null}"); } }
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Source Code for Microsoft implementation of AbstractFactory
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Imagine you want to produce loggers. You have a logger that logs to a file and a logger that logs to a console and a Nothing Logger – a logger that does nothing. Implement an abstract factory that will allow you to create a logger factory that will create a logger that logs to a file or to a console or nothing.
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