Friday Links 516

  1. useWindowSize() react hook – usehooks-ts
  2. React Anti-Patterns and Best Practices – Do’s and Don’ts – DEV Community
  3. 9 Best Distributed Tracing Tools For Developers In 2023 | JavaScript in Plain English
  4. Types of caching in ASP.NET
  5. Using source-generated regex in ASP.NET Core route constraints – Meziantou’s blog
  6. .NET regular expression source generators | Microsoft Learn
  7. Converting code to the new Regex Source Generator – Meziantou’s blog
  8. MDX and React | Docusaurus
  9. Programming AIs worry me • Buttondown
  10. sverweij/dependency-cruiser: Validate and visualize dependencies. Your rules. JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript. ES6, CommonJS, AMD.