Db2Code-part 3- deploy

Now how to let other developers to modify the connection string from a template? Easy said than done  – create a template for this. This is easier to speak about than to do .  So any project can be transformed into template  – but what about a solution ?

Anyway – the starting point is https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/extensibility/getting-started-with-the-vsix-project-template?view=vs-2022 and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/template-parameters?view=vs-2022 

Now it is another challenges:

  1. How to put into the template all the files that a project has, WITHOUT putting also the bin ?
  2. How to generate the correct usings with the name that the programmer gives to the project ? e.g. $ext_safeprojectname$
  3. How to generate the zip template file ?

So , for all those questions , a powershell is the answer ( OK. could be also a C# – but it is easier to modify and execute)

The organization is the following:

For each project I will put a template folder in the https://github.com/ignatandrei/QueryViewer/tree/main/src/NET7/DB2GUI/DB2GUITemplate/ProjectTemplates . Also an entry will be added for https://github.com/ignatandrei/QueryViewer/blob/main/src/NET7/DB2GUI/DB2GUITemplate/GeneratorAll.vstemplate .After this the powershell https://github.com/ignatandrei/QueryViewer/blob/main/src/NET7/DB2GUI/DB2GUITemplate/createAll.ps1 will run and update the folder and create the zip with the extension.

The project can be found at https://github.com/ignatandrei/QueryViewer/tree/main/src/NET7/DB2GUI/DB2GUITemplate and the powershell I will put here:

function AddFiles{
cd GeneratorFromDBTemp
cd $folder
$xml = ( Get-Content “MyTemplate.vstemplate”)

#$node= $xml.VSTemplate.TemplateContent.Project
#$node= $xml.SelectSingleNode(“//Project”)

$node= $xml.VSTemplate.TemplateContent.Project
gci *.* -r -Exclude *.*sproj,*.vstemplate, __TemplateIcon.ico | % {
     $rel = Resolve-Path -Relative $_
     $rel = $rel.replace( “.\”,””)
     $newelement = $xml.CreateElement(“ProjectItem”)
     $newelement.SetAttribute(“ReplaceParameters”, “true”)
     # $newelement.SetAttribute(“TargetFileName”, $rel)
     $newelement.InnerText =$rel

$output = $xml.OuterXml -replace ‘xmlns=””‘, ”
$output | Out-File “MyTemplate.vstemplate”


$dt = $date = Get-Date # Get the current date and time
$v = $date.ToString(“yyyy.MM.dd.HHmmss”)

Write-Host ‘starting’
Remove-Item -Path .\a.zip -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path .\GeneratorFromDBTemp -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$FileLocation = “source.extension.vsixmanifest”
$xmlDoc =  Get-Content “source.extension.vsixmanifest”
Write-Host ‘reading vsixmanifest’
$xmlDoc | Format-List *

$node=$node.SetAttribute(“Version”, $v)

$xmlDoc.OuterXml | Out-File $FileLocation
# $xmlDoc.Save(source.extension.vsixmanifest1)
New-item –ItemType “directory” GeneratorFromDBTemp
Copy-Item -Path GeneratorFromDB\* -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\ -Force -Recurse
cd GeneratorFromDBTemp
$FileLocation = “GeneratorAll.vstemplate”
$xml = ( Get-Content $FileLocation)
Write-Host ‘reading template’
$xml | Format-List *
$node = $xml.VSTemplate.TemplateData
Write-Host ‘this is’ $node   
$node.Name  =  “DB2Code”
$node.Description = “GeneratorFromDB” + ” ” + $v + ” See  See https://github.com/ignatandrei/queryViewer/”
$xml.OuterXml | Out-File $FileLocation


cd ..
dotnet clean

Write-Host “copying files”
copy-item -Path ..\ExampleModels\*             -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\ExampleModels\                             -Force -Recurse
copy-item -Path ..\ExampleControllers\*     -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\ExampleControllers\                         -Force -Recurse
copy-item -Path ..\ExampleContext\*             -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\ExampleContext\                             -Force -Recurse
copy-item -Path ..\ExampleWebAPI\*             -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\ExampleWebAPI\                             -Force -Recurse
copy-item -Path ..\GeneratorPowershell\*     -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\GeneratorPowershell\                         -Force -Recurse
copy-item -Path ..\GeneratorFromDB\*         -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\GeneratorFromDB\                             -Force -Recurse
copy-item -Path ..\examplecrats\*             -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\examplecrats\     -Exclude node_modules        -Force -Recurse
copy-item -Path ..\GeneratorCRA\*             -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\GeneratorCRA\                                 -Force -Recurse

cd GeneratorFromDBTemp

Write-Host “delete remaining folders”
Get-ChildItem  -Directory -Recurse -Filter “bin” | Remove-Item -Recurse
Get-ChildItem  -Directory -Recurse -Filter “obj” | Remove-Item -Recurse
Get-ChildItem  -Directory -Recurse -Filter “node_modules” | Remove-Item -Recurse
Get-ChildItem  -Directory -Recurse -Filter “.vscode” | Remove-Item -Recurse
Get-ChildItem  -Directory -Recurse -Filter “.config” | Remove-Item -Recurse

Write-Host “modify .cs files”
gci *.cs -r | % {
     $content  = Get-Content $_.FullName
     $newContent = $content -replace ‘Example’,’$safeprojectname$’
     if ($content -ne $newContent) {
         Set-Content -Path  $_.FullName -Value $newContent
         # Write-Host ‘replacing ‘ $_.FullName

Write-Host “modify connection details”
gci connectionDetails.txt -r | % {
     $content  = Get-Content $_.FullName
     $newContent = $content
     $newContent = $newContent -replace ‘Example’,’$ext_safeprojectname$.’
     $newContent = $newContent -replace ‘GeneratorCRA’,’$ext_safeprojectname$.GeneratorCRA’
     if ($content -ne $newContent) {
         Set-Content -Path  $_.FullName -Value $newContent
         # Write-Host ‘replacing ‘ $_.FullName

Write-Host “modify create.ps1”
gci create.ps1 -r | % {
     $content  = Get-Content $_.FullName
     $newContent = $content
     $newContent = $newContent -replace ‘examplecrats’,’$ext_safeprojectname$.examplecrats’   
     if ($content -ne $newContent) {
         Set-Content -Path  $_.FullName -Value $newContent
         # Write-Host ‘replacing ‘ $_.FullName

Write-Host “modify .*sproj files”
gci *.*sproj -r | % {
     $content  = Get-Content $_.FullName
     $newContent = $content
     $newContent = $newContent -replace ‘Example’,’$ext_safeprojectname$.’
     $newContent = $newContent -replace ‘example’,’$ext_safeprojectname$.’
     $newContent = $newContent -replace “..\\GeneratorFromDB\\GeneratorFromDB.csproj”,’..\$ext_specifiedsolutionname$.GeneratorFromDB\$ext_specifiedsolutionname$.GeneratorFromDB.csproj’
     if ($content -ne $newContent) {
         Set-Content -Path  $_.FullName -Value $newContent
         # Write-Host ‘replacing ‘ $_.FullName


AddFiles “ExampleModels”
AddFiles “ExampleControllers”
AddFiles “ExampleContext”    
AddFiles “ExampleWebAPI”
AddFiles “GeneratorPowershell”
AddFiles “GeneratorFromDB”
AddFiles “examplecrats”
AddFiles “GeneratorCRA”

Compress-Archive -DestinationPath .\a -Path GeneratorFromDBTemp\*
Remove-Item .\GeneratorFromDB.zip
Remove-Item .\ProjectTemplates\GeneratorFromDB.zip
Copy-Item .\a.zip .\ProjectTemplates\GeneratorFromDB.zip
Move-Item .\a.zip .\GeneratorFromDB.zip