TILT- cosmetic–part 16

The user must know something about the site. One of easy way is to display an intro – and I have choosed https://github.com/shipshapecode/shepherd


  • display number of chars when putting a TILT

  • display a text area instead of an input
  • display links to my TILTS

Added also https://codescene.io/ . Can be valuable – but I should understand more how to use it.

Display latest date when it was deployed / compiled with AMS and the repo name. Added also links to Swagger and Blockly Automation

To see the progress , it is good to have a calendar.Discovered angular-calendar – to show events.

The exemaple at https://mattlewis92.github.io/angular-calendar/#/kitchen-sink is pretty self explanatory.

However, another 3 hours passed to have the display.

The ( quasy – final ) result can be seen below ( taken from http://tiltwebapp.azurewebsites.net/AngTilt/tilt/public/ignatandrei )


Tools Used




Visua Studio
