Friday links 469

  1. KirillOsenkov/SourceBrowser: Source browser website generator that powers and
  2. sergiisyrovatchenko/SQLIndexManager: Free GUI Tool for Index Maintenance on SQL Server and Azure
  3. microsoft/charticulator: Interactive Layout-Aware Construction of Bespoke Charts
  4. Fix spaghetti code and other pasta-theory antipatterns
  5. Why is your ASP.NET server so slow? 10 performance problems and solutions – Michael’s Coding Spot
  6. Using the ProblemDetails Class in ASP.NET Core Web API
  7. Event Based Architecture: What do you mean by EVENT? – CodeOpinion
  8. Ask HN: What tech job would let me get away with the least real work possible? | Hacker News
  9. Stop Doing Low-Value Work
  10. Exercise v3.0