FileExtension–PostMortem- part 7

It was interesting to wrote this project.  At the final, it features an web site ( ) and a NuGet package ( ). Also , I have learned how to start Windows Terminal to start Angular / .NET Core / Tests

wt new-tab -p “Windows PowerShell” -d . cmd /k “cd src && dotnet build && cd RecognizeFileExtWebAPI && dotnet watch run”  ;split-pane -p “Windows PowerShell” -d . cmd /k “cd src && dotnet build && cd TestFileExtensions && dotnet watch test” ;  split-pane -p “Windows PowerShell” -d . cmd /k “cd src && cd FileExtensionAng && npm i && ng serve -o”

and refreshed my GitHub actions knowledge ( I am very fond of CI – and , if I can, CD )

Also, I have now a better understanding of a csproj file in relation with nuget :

   <None Remove=”plugins\FileExtension.targets” />
<Content Include=”plugins\FileExtension.targets”>

   <Content Include=”plugins\**\*.dll”>

It was refreshing to know that, even I like the Skinny Controllers concept, however the WebAPI is not so light .

Hopefully someone will find the package useful – or at least the site