FileExtension–idea- part 1

Every now and then we accept file uploads ( to a site  ) – or we have files in outlook that we want to open – but we do not know if the extension matches the content of the file.

There are numerous way to do it , however , I have been attracted by Magic Numbers – a header into the file that says what is the kind of the file.

For example, a .sln file has always those characters inside:

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version

You can then recognize if it is a real sln if it contains those characters.

Reading more on the internet, I have found

Now, there are multiple programs and sites to do this magic number verifier – however, in order to practice programming, is always a good idea to start somewhere – so let’s see where it goes.

You can find the sources at

The application is live at

You can find a NuGet package at