Dta Marketplace Head Agreement

This Request for Information (RFI) requests feedback on the draft Head Agreement and the draft STATEMENT of Requirements (SOR) for the first proposed category of the marketplace, Enterprise Storage. You can also send an email hardwaremarketplace@dta.gov.au if you have any questions. Participants may provide up to 25 cloud services through the Marketplace, unless otherwise agreed by the DBA. The DTA said more than $1.5 billion has been allocated to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The digital marketplace has more than 2,700 sellers, 90% of whom are SMEs. The marketplace will be a one-stop shop, so government authorities will only have to go to one place for computer hardware, rather than the three or more panels that have previously covered these products. The Digital Transformation Agency announced that its digital marketplace has reached a new milestone of $2 billion in contracts. These offers – the costs of which are limited for the duration of the head agreement concluded – will be available to the federal, regional and regional governments as well as to certain universities. The new cloud market, which should be better adapted to industry trends and the changing needs of buyers, will offer cloud services – all ICT features offered “as a Service” – and cloud consulting. The cloud market will start in early 2021 and will last up to five years.

Launched in August 2016, the Digital Marketplace is a DBA initiative to improve procurement practices across government departments by enhancing competition and improving transparency. The DBA has set up marketplaces, panels and agreements to simplify the process of purchasing digital products and services. They facilitate access for public buyers to sellers with improved terms, conditions and prices. The agency addressed the market on Thursday to fill out its proposed cloud marketplace panel, which is expected to launch in early 2021. These contracts are not recommended for cloud offerings. We are exploring options to develop models suitable for cloud-based solutions. We met with more than 30 companies and industry organizations, as well as 17 government agencies. We also published a discussion paper to gather feedback from those we could not meet in person.

This allowed us to get 19 additional responses. We`ll be releasing the categories one after the other, and the first, Enterprise Storage – will be streamed live in the middle of the year. After further deliberation, we will add more categories. It will also work on an “open often” model, which means new sellers can join regularly. These sellers can offer products in one or more categories and add new products if new categories are added….