My take on battles in IT


First battle : VBScript vs JavaScript. Both were scripting on the browser. VBScript loose because NetScape did not implement it.

Second battle: Microsoft vs Java. Starts with a Microsoft Java implementation  – then C# takes over.

Third battle: MVC vs Silvelight . MVC wons – Silvelight does not work against Chrome.

Fourth battle : Desktop vs Mobile+Web   –  Web wins by large ,  And with Electron  + Cordova , web wins back

Now there are

  1. WebAssembly vs Web. I bet on Web.
  2. Odata vs GraphQL . I bet on GraphQL . OData was too linked to EF ( although now can work without)
  3. DataScience: Python vs R . I hope to win either ML.NET, either JavaScript.


What are the battles that you observe ?