Friday links 279

  1. Not OK, Google | TechCrunch
  2. Tina Isn’t An Engineer – Dilbert Comic Strip on 2016-10-06 | Dilbert by Scott Adams
  3. Ken Mazaika’s answer to What is the answer to a question you don’t know in an interview? – Quora
  4. Xavier Amatriain’s answer to How do I learn machine learning? – Quora
  5. Introducing the Set-based Loop – SQLServerCentral
  6. CMR17
  7. Why I hate iOS as a developer – Medium
  8. Ben Northrop – Reflections of an “Old” Programmer
  9. googlei18n/noto-fonts: Noto fonts, except for CJK and emoji
  10. Automatically upgrading user settings after an application version change | John’s Workshop
  11. A Javascript journey with only six characters
  12. Code School – Try R
  13. PageSpeed Insights
  14. YSlow – Official Open Source Project Website
  15. Is Monkey Patching (or Duck Punching) Still A Viable Solution? | DanylkoWeb