Friday links 271

  1. 10 surprisingly practical Raspberry Pi projects anybody can do | PCWorld
  2. 10 insanely innovative, incredibly cool Raspberry Pi projects | PCWorld
  3. Raspberry Pi Downloads – Software for the Raspberry Pi
  4. Windows IoT Core Extension for Visual Studio Code | Building Apps for Windows
  5. adamsitnik/awesome-dot-net-performance: A curated list of awesome .NET Performance books, courses, trainings, conference talks, blogs and most inspiring open source contributors. Inspired by awesome-… stuff.
  6. AsynkronIT/Wire: Binary serializer for POCO objects
  7. lunet-io/markdig: A fast, powerful, CommonMark compliant, extensible Markdown processor for .NET
  8. 15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for September 2016 | Tutorialzine
  9. ZenHub – Pricing, Plans, and Payment FAQs for GitHub project management
  10. Building Microservices (Designing Fine-Grained Systems) By Sam Newman
  11. Pagination and SEO: Best Practices & Common Issues
  12. Optimising LINQ · Performance is a Feature!
  13. C# in Depth: The Beauty of Closures
  14. External Network Access to Kestrel and IIS Express in ASP.NET Core – Rick Strahl’s Web Log
  15. bredele/vomit: and make your applications lose some weight